Wednesday, May 14, 2014

UnkamenKitchen - Introduction

UnkamenKitchen recently made his first blog post. I am proud to say that I work with someone with such talent, between cooking, and what came as a surprise to me, his most entertaining writing, making everyone who reads it feel as if they are having a common conversation. I had not read more than a paragraph of his writing before this, not knowing the hidden talent he held for it. Here is the link to his first post, giving the recipe for a Fried Egg Sandwich;  UnkamenKitchen - Fried Egg Sandwich
Follow his blog for future recipes! -Stay Shiny 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lemon Spritzer Drink

A great, refreshing drink through the summer days!
One juiced lemon
1/4 cup of water
2 Tbs sugar
Fill the rest of the glass with spritzer water, excluding room for ice!