Saturday, June 7, 2014

Baking Music

 I took this photo of my thirteen year old brother's black high top converse, and thought it appropriate for this topic.

UnkamenKitchen made a post about his favorite baking music. I like the idea, I do listen to music while I cook very frequently. But... I would add some swing dance music to that playlist. Nothing like dancing around the kitchen while cooking, especially when there's no one around!
Give UnkamenKitchen your two cents about his music here

And here is a list of my favorite swing baking music, no order of what to dance to when, swing just comes together.
Brotherswing - Caravan Palace
Catgroove -  Parov Stelar
Moondance - Van Morrison
A-Tisket A-Tasket - Ella Fitzgerald
Opus One - The Mills Brothers
Superhero - Kormac
Snake Charmer - Benny Berigan
Dragons - Caravan Palace
Footloose - Kenny Loggins
Cheek to Cheek - Ella Fitzgerald
Flip Flop and Fly - Ellis Hall
Cantina Band Electro Swing Edit
Yakety Yak - The Coasters

"It don't mean a thing, if it aint got that swing!"

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